Record Hill Wind is a 50.6 megawatt wind project consisting of 22 Siemens SWT-2.3-93 turbines arrayed along the ridgeline that connects Partridge Peak, Flathead Mountain, and Record Hill.
A Project Map shows the location of the turbine string.
RHW began in 2007 as a partnership between Independence Wind and Wagner Forest Management. Over the next two years RHW held at least 27 public meetings to ensure that the residents of Oxford County were well informed about the project. Two town-wide votes affirmed local support for the project. The Department of Environmental Protection of the State of Maine granted approval to RHW to begin project construction in August 2009. The bulk of construction commenced in the spring of 2011. Record Hill Wind is proud to have used a Maine-based contractor for construction, employing hundreds of Maine workers from dozens of Maine businesses during a major economic downturn. RHW began generating electricity for the Maine grid in the winter of 2011/2012.
Record Hill Wind is honored to have received the support of the Town of Roxbury. Our ongoing partnership with our neighbors is reflected in the Power To The People program. The program uses the project’s output to subsidize the electricity of community members, sharing the project’s success directly with the residents and summer residents of Roxbury. At Record Hill, we are proud that every spin of the turbine blades means not only that less pollution enters our atmosphere, but also that economic benefits are felt at home .